Kelowna dishes


March 15, 2021 – 12:53 p.m.

The West Kelowna teacher who was jailed for the sexual exploitation of a student at his school was paroled on the day despite not having reached the bar for full parole.

The Parole Board of Canada held a hearing earlier this month considering whether 31-year-old Bradley Furman would pose a risk to society if he had access to limited freedoms.

After assessing his behavior behind bars, making efforts to address the issues that led him to violate the law, and recent psychological assessments, the Board found that Furman was at low risk of reoffending while there were checks and checks Balances there – something he agreed to.

Since his imprisonment, they have gained insight and understanding of the precursors of his offense and have taken steps to reduce his risk to society. His corrective plan has been positively engaged and he has positive family support. They found that he still had moderate needs for improvement in the areas of personal / emotional orientation, attitudes, marriage / family, education / employment, and employees.

CONTINUE READING: West Kelowna teacher who sexually exploited student will be sentenced to 2 more years behind bars

All of this together was “sufficient for the Board of Directors to conclude that if he were paroled, he would not pose an undue risk to society. The Board also notes that (his) release will help protect society by facilitating (his) reintegration into society as a law abiding citizen, ”the report reads.

Therefore, a suspended sentence was granted.

“With regard to full parole, the Board notes that (it requires) a gradual return to the community,” the report said.

“(Furman’s) continued disregard for court-imposed conditions and an unwillingness to comply with court-imposed bail rules is an aggravating aspect of his case that raises concerns about the manageability of his risk if he does not,” reads the report .

As a result, the board found it needed the structure and support of the Community Registered Facility identified in its release plan.

“Full parole does not provide such support. Therefore, the Board of Directors concludes that (its) risk of full parole is inappropriate and full parole will be denied, ”the report reads.

On day parole, he still has to adhere to certain conditions, including not being around female children under the age of 18 unless he is accompanied by a responsible adult who knows his criminal history and is previously approved by him in writing was probation officer.

“You have committed sexual offenses against a vulnerable female youth. Restricting your access to children or places where children congregate will reduce the risk of reconsideration and is necessary to protect the public, ”the report to Furman said.

He must also not be near his victim or family, or have a computer or technological device that allows unsupervised access to the Internet, and he must follow a treatment plan.

Furman must also promptly report all intimate sexual and non-sexual relationships and friendships with women to his probation officer.

“You cite relationship instability and a lack of intimacy as a factor in your offense. By reporting relationships to your case management team, they can monitor your relationships with women, including the relationship dynamics that indicate your risk of being offended again, ”the parole board said.

Furman is serving two years, two months, and 19 days for sexual exploitation, obstructing justice, and violating bail.

His sentence began in February 2020 and he was subject to a no-contact order, a DNA order, and a 20-year incidental order related to sexual offenses. In 2017 and 2018, he developed a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old. It started with a series of online news.

The teenager was a student at the school Furman taught and they had sex in his house.

Once caught, Furman continued to contact the girl and made some efforts to avoid being spotted.

“(He) repeatedly violated the court ordered terms and was arrested again for contacting and intimate with the victim, approaching the victim’s sister, buying an internet device and using Skype to communicate with the victim and that To have the victim with you (his) place of residence ”, it says in the probation document.

“The victim decided to end the relationship and notified the police. In July 2019, police carried out a search warrant for his residence and located the internet device that contained the communications between him and the victim. ”

Furman told the board that his unhappy marriage, inability to express his feelings, feeling sexually unfulfilled, and being a “lover” caused him to “implode” himself.

He said that it appeared at the time the victim became both physically and sexually interested in him, and because he felt undesirable and unfulfilled in his marriage, his views about the victim culminated in his sexual relationship.

He denies deliberately grooming the victim but said he realized how his interactions with the victim and how he treated them differently contributed to his insult.

Here are past stories about Bradley Furman.

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