West Kelowna business licenses due now

Business owners can avoid a $ 25 surcharge by paying before January 31st


The City of West Kelowna is encouraging more than 2,200 business owners working in the community to renew their licenses for 2019 before the January 31st deadline.

Business owners can avoid a $ 25 surcharge if they pay before the deadline.

The city sent renewal notices in December with fee and payment information and details of how to register for the online business directory: www.westkelownacity.ca/businessdirectory. Listings give owners the additional opportunity to promote their business by providing contact information, street maps, and links to websites and social media pages.

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Owners who haven’t received notifications, new businesses in need of a license, and businesses not operating in 2019 should email bylaws@westkelownacity.ca.

For more information on different types of business licenses, fees, and forms, please visit www.westkelownacity.ca/businesslicences.

West Kelowna’s 2,277 business license holders provide quality goods and services to more than 50,000 Westside residents and tens of thousands of visitors. They employ thousands of people and support a myriad of local causes. The city encourages residents to empower our community and economy by supporting local businesses.

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