UPDATE: 8:45am
Rutland Waterworks is on-site of a water main break in the old Costco parking lot at Highway 97 and Baron Road.
The water main broke about 9 pm Sunday and continued to flood the parking lot into Monday morning.
They are currently trying to minimize the impact on nearby residents and businesses, while at the same time stopping the flooding.
It’s unclear what caused the main to break.
Some residents may still see brown water flowing from their taps due to the break.
The ramp to the Dollar Store was flooded and there might have been some damage inside the back of the building.
Hoang Gia Vietnamese restaurant had a “closed due to flooding” sign on its door Monday morning.
A water main break in the parking lot of Joey’s restaurant and the old Costco off of Highway 97, caused flooding for several businesses and issues for Rutland residents.
Residents took to social media to complain their tap water had turned brown following the break. Rutland Waterworks District was called in to fix the issue.
It’s unclear how many businesses were damaged in the complex and to what extent.
People started to complain about water gathering in the parking lot of Joey’s on Sunday afternoon, but at 8 pm the entire lot was flooded.
By 3 am some residents were reporting their water was back to normal and no longer brown.
More to come.
Business complex off Highway 97 and Baron Road remains flooded as water main continues to be broken. #Rutland waterworks is on site trying to turn off the water without disrupting businesses and residents in area. pic.twitter.com/WbS7N07t9V
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