One of the joys of living in the Okanagan has to be access to amazing recreational opportunities…but what about those who face obstacles? Thanks to the amazing volunteers and team at CRIS Adaptive Adventures (Community Recreational Initiatives Society), those barriers are being broken down and outdoor adventures are being made accessible to all.

Dannielle Hennig, interim executive director of CRIS Adaptive Adventures, explains that the organization served the Okanagan for 20 years with a mission to break down barriers to outdoor recreation for those with physical, mental, or cognitive or other challenges and disabilities, though temporary or permanently .

“We facilitate pretty much any outdoor activity under the sun – we run programs or excursions where we offer hiking, paddling, glacier crossings, rock climbing, hunting, ice fishing, etc.,” says Danielle. “We also offer adaptive gear rentals outside of our programs!”

“We wouldn’t be able to run all of our programs without volunteers,” continues Danielle. “We require (and provide) fairly extensive training. Volunteering is self-scheduled online for our programs where you can participate in the activities and interact directly with our clients. There are also opportunities to volunteer outside of programs with office work, equipment maintenance, and more. We are looking for people who are outdoor enthusiasts and want to make a difference in the community.”

If you are interested in applying, contact Danielle through the CRIS website or the VolunteerConnector on the KCR website

“Volunteers are an essential part of CRIS and without them we wouldn’t be able to break down barriers the way we do,” says Danielle. “As a volunteer, you can hike, bike, kayak, paddle board, snowshoe, and more! Not only can volunteers explore new trails and areas around the Okanagan, but they can also make these opportunities accessible to those who might not necessarily be able to participate alone.”

“We also host volunteer socials and have a volunteer Facebook group to connect outdoor enthusiasts and connect you with new adventure friends,” Danielle explains of the volunteer connection form with the CRIS team. “Our volunteers often make amazing friendships and this summer we had groups of staff and volunteers embark on their own adventures and did a sunrise hike at Needle Peak.”

So if you are a game for recreation, love nature and want to break down barriers, contact the CRIS team and start experiencing new adventures.

Dorothee Birker is communications and development coordinator for KCR Community Resources. If you are interested in sharing your volunteer or organization news, please contact Dorothee at

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