A Registered Nurse, Reenie Scott has been passionate about her career and caring for people for more than 40 years.

She still ministers to people today by helping raise vital funds for the Kelowna Gospel Mission.

She volunteers as a cashier at her thrift store in Rutland and commits to being there every Tuesday.

Reenie has also volunteered at the Gospel Mission Shelter for their banquets, and recently she has been helping out at Trinity Church’s Vaccine Clinic.

When COVID started, Reenie had to step back from her volunteer duties so she could continue to visit her mother, but now that she’s vaccinated against COVID, she’s happily back at the shop and helping out again.

“I really enjoy my day with the customers and with the staff. I’ve met some wonderful people,” Reenie said. “I enjoy the contact with people and I’m happy when patients I used to look after come to the second-hand shop and we recognize each other!”

Reenie grew up on a farm near the small town of Davidson, Sask. and spent her early years in many different places, including Tuktoyuktuk in the Northwest Territories. “Tuk,” as it’s commonly known, is a community of about 900 people at the tip of the Northwest Territories, where it juts out into the Arctic Ocean.

Tuktoyuktuk gets its name from the word Inuvialuktun, which means “similar to a caribou”. As local legend has it, many years ago a herd of caribou wandered into the ocean waters and turned to stone. Today, at low tide, you can see reefs resembling fossilized caribou from shore.

In 2009, Reenie moved to Lake Country and began volunteering.

She was amazed at how many people put in long hours to make a difference in their community.

“I find volunteering uplifting,” she said happily.

If you are interested in finding an “uplifting” activity that meets your impact goals, check out the VolunteerConnector at www.kcr.ca/volunteer to find your perfect volunteer opportunity. Or contact us at 250-763-8008 local l41.

Dorothee Birker is communications and development coordinator for KCR Community Resources, a multi-service agency that provides programs and services to meet the needs of communities, families and individuals.
