Project Red Ribbon, promoting driving sober during the holiday season returns – Kelowna News

Wear red, drive better

Photo: MADD Canada

Wear a red ribbon and pledge to drive safe and sober this holiday season.

That’s the message MADD Central Okanagan is sending during the annual Project Red Ribbon campaign.

“The tragic deaths and devastating injuries caused by impaired driving are entirely preventable. That is why we host our Project Red Ribbon campaign every year,” said MADD Central Okanagan Chapter president Bill Hetland.

The face of this year’s campaign is Thomas Ratte, who was 17 when he was killed by an impaired driver after stepping off a bus four years ago.

“We want to engage people in the effort to prevent impaired driving so that no one has to face the grief and heartbreak that Thomas’ family has faced.”

MADD volunteers are distributing red ribbons and red ribbon car decals which symbolize a person’s commitment to drive sober.

“With the holidays being one of the busiest times on most social calendars, MADD Canada’s red ribbon and red ribbon car decals are a small, but powerful reminder to everyone to plan ahead for a sober ride home if celebrations include alcohol, cannabis or other drugs .”

The campaign, which runs through Jan. 3, encourages the public to:

  • Never drive impaired or ride with an impaired driver
  • Plan ahead if you’re going to be consuming alcohol, cannabis or other drugs. Call a cab, arrange a designated driver, take public transit or stay the night
  • Call 911 if you see a driver you suspect is impaired.

On average, 10 impaired driving federal charges and provincial short-term license suspensions are laid in Canada every hour according to statistics from MADD Canada.

Hundreds of Canadians are killed and thousands injured each year as a result of impaired-driving crashes.

“Impaired driving is not an accident. Someone makes a decision to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol or consuming drugs,” added Hetland.

“We can all help prevent the tragic deaths and injuries that result from impaired driving. Please plan ahead for a sober ride home.”