UBC Okanagan to host forum on healthy aging – Kelowna News

Advice on aging better

Rob Gibson | Story: 399349

Photo: UBCO

The University of British Columbia Okanagan is hosting a forum to help keep people healthy as they grow older.

Most people understand that our bodies change as we age. Changes to metabolism impact how we process food and our metabolic health influences everything from exercise performance to weight fluctuations to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Finding most of this information online isn’t hard but processing what’s relevant for you and how to get started may not be as easy.

Health strategies to optimize aging and quality of life will be led by UBC clinical instructor and family physician Dr. Janet Evans and UBC professor Dr. Jonathan Little, Wednesday, Dec. 7 between 7 and 8 pm at the UBC Clinical Academic Campus in Kelowna General Hospital, 2312 Pandosy Street.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet can greatly impact metabolic health and increase vitality, UBC Okanagan health experts will help show how our aging population can embrace simple exercise and diet strategies to help people age well and prevent chronic diseases.

dr Janet Evans is the Medical Director of CGB Medical and a family physician in Kelowna, in addition she is also a clinical instructor with the UBC Faculty of Medicine and an affiliate clinician with the UBC Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management.

dr Evans continuously looks for strategies to improve health, as well as prevent and reverse disease in her patients. dr Evans focuses on improving health span, how well one lives, versus life span, how long one lives.

dr Jonathan Little is a professor with UBC Okanagan’s Faculty of Health and Social Development and an Investigator with the UBC Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management. dr Little’s research at UBC Okanagan focuses on optimizing diet and exercise strategies to prevent, treat and reverse chronic disease with a focus on Type 2 diabetes.

There is also a virtual option available. For more information about MEDTalks, email: [email protected].