<who>Photo credit / cover design: Lorne White / KelownaNow </who>“src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/_LJW8356cover.jpg “/></p>
<p>Three Kelowna Lions teams will be represented at the BC Community Football Association’s nine-man provincial championship in Kamloops over the weekend.</p>
<p><strong>Photo gallery (183 photos – Jr. Bantam, Peewee and Atom) on the KelownaNowSports Facebook page</strong></p>
<p><img alt=Image Credit: Contributed The Kelowna Lions crowned a perfect season in the Junior Bantam Division of the Southern Interior Football Conference with a championship win over the West Kelowna TigerCats on Sunday. Members of the team that will represent the league at the BC Community Football Association’s nine-person provincial tournament are Ethan Irvine, Jake Schlachter, Payson White, Chase Hunter, Jack Nyrose, Noah Burnett, Allan Burnell, Everett Schmuland, Jacob Wojciechowski, Ben Hare, Rocco Williams, Wyatt Sorensen, Hunter Trca, Justin Audette, Hayley Hunter, Jared Johnston, Damon Alfonso, Jaiden Martelli, Carter Milaney, Carter Gabel and Kaelem Tingate. Trainers: Mike Irvine, Arden Knoll, Guy Lemieux, Ron Zerr, Mike Saini, Dean Kennedy and Chuck Liebrock. Instructor: Jared Johnston. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/Jr_%20bantam.jpg “/> A Lions team will participate in the junior bantam championship tournament (under 14 years of age) who played unbeaten in seven regular season games at the Southern Interior Football Conference and won the final 44:25 against the West Kelowna TigerCats.

In what has been described as the most competitive and even game of the season, both teams saw the ball well and passed enough to keep the defense honest while playing a tough and clean football.

<who>Lorne White / KelownaNow </who>Carter Gabe (92) and Ben Hare (60) are part of the dominant line corps of the Kelowna Lions. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/_LJW8488a.jpg “/> Both teams showed up Hard driving running backs who kept the defense in the council with strength and speed and collected considerable distances both outside and inside, while the defensive lines played well, with the linebackers on both sides being “very active”.</p>
<p>“These were clearly the top two teams in the Junior Bantam Division, and the high-scoring result reflected the highly competitive league,” said Chuck Liebrock, Lions offensive line coach.</p>
<p><img alt=Image Credit: Contributed The Kelowna Lions Peewee Team will represent the SIFC at the Kamloops provincial championship tournament after beating the Kamloops Broncos in the League Finals on Sunday. Team members are: Chase Witzel, Dean Percival, Keagan Cooper, Aries Laidlaw, Jorel Sahay, Tristan Yaworsky, Matthew Chapman, Reid Thompson, Mekhi Emerenini, Theo Partrick, Lincoln Wagner, Brady Schutz, Elijah Burnett, Markus Landis-Karuth, Brandon Sharp, Joel Armstrong, Tristan Shanks, Kyle Smy, Jeremiah Jones, Maxium Semenoff, Keenan Ams, Lukas Sebulsky and Liam Gagne. Trainer: Adam Witzel, Reg Sahay, Brandon Thompson and Bill Laidlaw. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/peeweefoot.jpg “/> The final of the Peewee Division (U12) had the Kelowna Minor Football Association Lions defeat the Kamloops Blue Broncos 22-6.

Head coach Adam Witzel said the championship game was typical of the Lions game throughout the season (6-1 in the regular season).

<who>Lorne White / KelownaNow </who>Jorel Sahay (21) from the Kelowna Lions will face Kamloops in the SIFC Peewee Finals on Sunday. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/_LJW2943a.jpg “/>” We have a great group of kids who really got into our whole team first philosophy, “he said.  “This was particularly evident on our offense when we asked some of our older players who had more visible abilities during the regular season to be involved in our blocking program against Kamloops in the final.  Their blocking played a huge role in the team that secured the championship title.  I couldn’t be more proud of them for taking on this task. “</p>
<p>Coach Witzel believes the Lions’ defensive was by far the strongest in the league, and their offensive skills allowed the team to mix things up with a run and passing attack that kept their opponents puzzled throughout the season.</p>
<p><img alt=Lorne White / KelownaNow Revised offensive scheme of the peewee Lions: Joel Armstrong (65), Theo Partrick (36), Mekhi Emerenini (34), Kyle Smy (72) and Chase Witzel (4). “Src =” https: //www.kelownanow. com / files / files / images / _LJW3298a (1) .jpg “/>” Reg Sahay and I have trained most of this group over the past four years, so it’s exciting to see how they have grown over the years ” , he “We have always tried to put the team first, but at the same time we have a couple of years now where we’ve seen great contributions from a greater number of individuals.”

This season, all 24 players had one or more tackles and 11 players found the end zone for a touchdown.

“It was fun to be there,” said Witzel.

<who>Image Credit: Contributed </who>The Kelowna Lions defeated the Salmon Arm Chargers in Sunday’s SIFC Atom Division Finals for the right to represent the league at the provincial championship tournament.  Members of the winning team are: Chase Schlachter, Zoe Burnett, Isaac Peters, Bryce Beauchemin, Ryan Work, Gabriel Jones, Manix Nolin, Hunter Peterson, Owen Burns, Armani Amichand, Kai Fields, Thoks Grootjes, Kellen Martelli, Kier Phillips, Milana McAllister, Jack Akerstream, Axle Marsh and Hayden Lindsay.  Trainers: Dave Grootjes, Paul Beauchemin, Charles McAllister, Dave Work and Garret Marsh. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/Atom%20Lions%20pic.jpg “/> The Atom Division (U10) Lions, who finished first with a 6-1 record in the regular season, crowned an outstanding performance in 2017 by defeating the Salmon Arm Chargers with 48:20 in the SIFC final on Sunday.</p>
<p>Coach Dave Grootjes said it was no surprise that his team had the right to represent the league with the provincials.</p>
<p><img alt=Lorne White / KelownaNow Bryce Beauchemin of the Kelowna Lions Atomic Division dodges would-be staplers on the way to landing. “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/_LJW3998a.jpg “/>“ Those guys and it was a pleasure to coach girls – the most balanced team I’ve ever coached, “he added. “We don’t have one or two great players, but we have 18 players who all have the heart and the drive.” to play.

“The players are very coherent and understood from the start of the season that we win as a team and lose as a team.

“Your camaraderie and respect for one another are exemplary and you deserve to be crowned SIFC Champion 2017.”

Photo gallery (183 photos – Jr. Bantam, Peewee and Atom) on the KelownaNowSports Facebook page