A Kelowna man pleaded guilty to multiple Wildlife Act violations in a provincial court last month.

He was convicted of possessing an unpartitioned carcass and handicapping officers, fetching him a $ 4,900 fine and a year-long hunting suspension.

The bull elks he killed illegally also fell under the crown.

<who> Photo credit: BCCOS.  “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/P1000158.JPG “/></p>
<p dir=<who> Photo credit: BCCOS.  “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/DSC00667.JPG “/></p>
<p dir=The verdict, given on December 21, 2020, arrived more than a year after the investigation began.

On November 11, 2019, a Kelowna Conservation Officer encountered a pickup truck driving down Glenrosa Road in West Kelowna.

“Richard Fischer was in possession of an illegal bull moose that he shot that morning,” said BC Conservation Officer Service.

“He had taken steps to cover up the fact that it was illegal. However, these steps were exposed during the morning investigation.”

These steps include hiding the moose under an ATV and the ramp in the back of the truck box.

“Back at the site of the killing, the antlers and the bull’s head were found and chopped off with an ax,” the verdict continued.

“The chopping removed the forehead points, but the antlers still showed a 3×3 point bull moose which would still be illegal by the definition of the immature spoke / fork.”

COURT CASE | A #Kelowna man was fined $ 4,900, had his hunting license suspended for a year, and was forced to repeat #CORE training in connection with illegally harvesting a bull moose. Details: https://t.co/of4cKWQvXZ #BCCOS pic.twitter.com/y0C9NZs4pf

– BC CO Service (@_BCCOS) January 16, 2021

According to BCCOS, immature spike / fork bull elk hunting season was open from November 1st to November 15th.

Anyone with information about violations can report them via the BCCOS toll-free rappline 1-877-952-7277.

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