Coast Capital Savings employees present the YMCA with a check for $ 8,000 for its new YMCA Connects program. (Left to right) Wendy Wright of the YMCA; Taylor Horsting, Bonnie Kilistoff, Maureen Kilcullen, Lana Swan, and Gwen Davis of Coast Capital Savings; and Cassandra Thomas from the YMCA. (Contributed)

The Kelowna company donates $ 8,000 to the YMCA Youth Initiative

The program supports employable young adults through basic qualification and preparatory training

YMCA of Okanagan has received a $ 8,000 donation from Coast Capital Savings to its new YMCA Connects program, which provides vital support for young adults in Kelowna in their search for long-term, sustainable work and career opportunities.

Coast Capital Savings donated the funds through its Community Investments Grant, which aims to build a richer future and help young adults thrive in BC.

“YMCA Connects is an employment program that supports working young adults (18-24) through basic skills and pre-employment training, job placement services, financial assistance and employment experiences,” the YMCA said in a press release.

“With funding from Coast Capital Savings, Okanagan’s YMCA has improved access to critical technology for program participants, improved program efficiency and created diverse learning opportunities. The program aims to really incorporate technology into its services and ensure that the youngsters have all the tools and experience to get into sustainable employment. “

Through donations like this, the YMCA seeks to lower the unemployment rate of working young adults in Kelowna for those facing employment barriers.

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