Summerland council seeking speed limit change on Highway 97 – Kelowna Capital News

Summerland council has had enough of drivers speeding through its community along Highway 97.

At Monday’s (July 25) meeting Coun. Erin Carlson urged the district to seek a meeting with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to talk about changing speed limits and increasing enforcement.

“It’s not a very large area that we’re asking people to slow down in,” said Carlson. “But it certainly would make it safer so people can cross the highway.”

Carlson pointed out that in the last two weeks there have been serious accidents at intersections in Summerland along Highway 97. She also noted a report citing that the intersection of the Prairie Valley Road, Solly Road, and the highway is one of the worst sites for crashes in the community.

“I know MOTI are people to talk to. We need to make sure there is a plan in place for that highway and that we’re involved.”

READ MORE: Summerland intersection had 139 crashes in five years

One idea council discussed was having a 70 km/h speed limit along the highway, through Summerland’s boundaries. Currently, the speed limit changes from 70 to 90 km/h and back again through the community.

count Erin Trainer said she has heard from residents that ever since the center median was put in along Highway 97 south of Trout Creek traffic has been going faster.

“I think there’s a subconscious feeling that you’re safer with those barriers there,” added Trainer. “With people coming out Penticton northbound, they just fly through Trout Creek now.”

Council voted to send a letter to MOTI requesting a formal meeting.

READ MORE: Crash involving scooter sends 3 to hospital closes Highway 97 in Summerland

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auto accidentHighway 97speed limitsSummerland