Finishing the lakeside project

Photo: Contributed

The Stober Group has updated plans for their mixed-use project on Lakeshore Road, which will attend a public briefing next week and apply for a building permit from the City of Kelowna.

The development, which is to replace Willow Creek Campground and a gravel parking lot north of Gyro Beach, will consist of 345 apartments in two medium-sized buildings, up from the original 450 in three buildings. The houses will stand on a fully enclosed parking garage.

The parking lot will be equipped with space for a mixture of retail and residential uses and ground floor areas with spacious, laid-out public sidewalks, corner spaces, cafes and restaurants with terraces.

The application for building permit also requires a height deviation, as the tallest of the two towers should have 14 floors. The current maximum height for the area is only four stories.

“The redesigned project we are proposing is a mixed-use design that meets the urban centers’ development goals and also responds to the significant input we have received from the community,” said Bob Dagenais, Stober Group’s development director, in a press release.

The project received city council approval last fall.