Seniors can get free health check at Kelowna YMCA

Are you a senior wondering about your general health?

The Kelowna YMCA is offering a free one-hour health assessment on Nov. 23, from 8am. to 1 pm, testing cardiovascular endurance, balance, flexibility, blood pressure, strength, agility, and more.

YMCA Health Promotions Manager Adriane Long said the goal is to make it easier for seniors to be active and social.

“These health assessments give seniors a starting point to base their exercise routines, introduce them to our supportive YMCA community, and provide information on programs and services that can help them reach their goals.”

Fran Millar was one of the participants in the last free health assessment at the Y, after injuring her hip. Since then, she has made the Y part of her regular recovery routine.

“I’m getting quite a lot of value out of the pool,” said Millar. “It works the knees, hips, and core.”

Space is limited. Reserve your spot by emailing or calling 250-491-9622.

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