Madison Erhardt

UPDATE: 11:13 am

Just before 9 a.m., rescue workers were called to a house on Hollydell Road in Rutland for reports of a burning shed.

Three residents were at home at the time. One resident told Castanet that he was woken up by a firefighter and rushed out of his home.

“When I got to the scene, it was much more than just a burning shed. The back of the house was completely engulfed, a large cedar hedge was also on fire and a vehicle, “said train captain John Kelly.

At the time of the fire, two cats are said to have been in the house. One cat is fine, the other is neglected. Platoon Capt. Kelly says the residents are fine.

“Everyone is fine. Two of the men in the residence got smoke inhalation, the other burned his foot a little, so they were treated by ambulance. One was taken to the hospital and then ESS comes to take care of them . ” next 48 hours. “

The three men are said to have rented the house.

Kelly says the first floor is quite damaged.

“The kitchen area is also damaged. There’s a little damage on top, but most of the damage is on the outside. “

A GoFundMe was launched to help the three residents get back on their feet.

The cause of the fire is being investigated.

UPDATE 10:05 am

A resident of a house that caught fire on Hollydell Road Thursday morning said he was asleep when the fire started.

“I was sleeping, a firefighter came and got me,” he said.

Three people and two cats lived in the house. All three people escaped the fire, but one was taken to the hospital.

A witness who drove past the house took a photo of the surging flames emerging from the carport at 8:58 a.m.

“Bystanders were on the street and went to the neighbors to tell them to leave their home,” said the witness.

The cause of the fire is still unknown. Castanet is waiting for a comment from the fire department.

UPDATE 9:55 am

A major fire in a single family home on Hollydell Road in Rutland has been extinguished.

All three residents of the house escaped safely, although the condition of one of the cats is unclear.

There’s more to come …

ORIGINAL 9:25 am

Rescue workers are at the site of a house fire along Hollydell Road in Rutland.

The fire is said to have broken out in the carport shortly before 9 a.m.

The cause of the fire is not yet known.

Castanet has a reporter on site and will have more information as it becomes available.