Province to help fund improvements to Kelowna corridor

Kelowna City Hall. (Capital News file photo)

Province to help fund improvements to Kelowna corridor

The city will match the province’s $600.00 contribution

The City of Kelowna is receiving provincial funds to help with the planning and preliminary design for the Highway 33/Clement Avenue corridor extension (North End Connector).

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is providing $600,000 towards the project, which the city will match, bringing the total to $1.2 million.

“The Clement Avenue route is integral to the Highway 97 corridor,” said incumbent mayoral candidate Colin Basran. “The project also helps us in planning the new transit facility near UBCO.”

The main objective of the project is a preliminary design from Spall Road to Highway 33 and will extend further north to UBCO to clarify the future route.

Design and study preparation will start before the end of the year, with the majority of the work taking place in 2023, with final recommendations going to council in 2024.

“It’s all part of improving the transit network with the possibility of a future rapid bus line…as well as with the future transit facility, electrifying our bus fleet,” added Basran.

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