A Kelowna business owner says his unique promotional ploy is implicated in the city’s new bylaws and will hit him and “his girls” particularly hard.

In a letter dated Oct. 3, the city notified Doug Wood, owner of the Premium Oil Change Center on Harvey Avenue, that the two mannequins outside his store are in violation of the recently introduced Sign Act and he must take them out within 14 Days off or face a fine.

However, Wood claims that his two mannequins, which he named Penny and Patty, are beneficial not only for his business but also for the community.


“Tourists keep dropping by to have their picture taken. We’re dressing them up for Christmas, Halloween, etc., and we’ve had very positive feedback from the public, ”said Wood. “Unfortunately, one person decided not to like the girls and complained to the city. To this day, I can’t use this form of advertising … as long as my competitors still like to advertise on Harvey Avenue. “

The new city law bans advertising virtually anywhere along Harvey Avenue. If someone files a complaint about the signage, legal representatives will instruct the company to remove the signs. However, if a complaint is not made, businesses can still display signs, etc.

“It’s hard enough keeping the doors open now, without my girls it gets harder,” he said.

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