A group of Kelowna residents continue to oppose health restrictions imposed by the provincial government.

Hundreds of people came to Stuart Park again, hoping to hear their message at a “freedom rally”.

The Okanagan Freedom Rally. (Kelowna) great weather and great people. pic.twitter.com/Bhex3Uc6JO

– Phoenix (@ KrisKri98094793) May 15, 2021

Some of those present carried signs and Canadian flags.

One sign read “Peace, Love, Freedom” while another claimed that certain health officials were going to court.

It didn’t look like those present were wearing a mask.

Police officers were on hand to make sure the event was not causing any problems.

#Kelowna # Canada # WorldWideRallyForFreedom # WeWillAllBeThere pic.twitter.com/Hv5qI1NDRU

– Young (@G_P_L_M) May 15, 2021

The rally was followed by a march down Water Street as participants sought public support.

NowMedia contacts RCMP to find out if any fines have been imposed on the rally organizers.