Another micromobility company took to the streets of Kelowna over the weekend.

Roll Technologies deployed its premium e-scooters made in Canada, to which e-bikes will be added in December.

“Our tires for electric scooters and electric bicycles are suitable for winter conditions. Safety is our top priority, so I will not operate when there is snow on the ground or when there is ice or freezing rain, but we will do our best to operate, ”said Arda Erturk, Chief Communications Officer.

Roll is one of four bikeshare companies with permits in Kelowna, along with Bunny, Zip and OGO. However, Erturk said the company offers technology and security features that the other companies don’t.

“We will ask you [on the app] Whether you have already ridden an e-scooter and if you say “no”, then for your first trip, for your first 10 minutes, it is about 10 kilometers per hour, which is very easy for you to learn [to ride] the e-scooter, ”said Erturk.

He added that 70 percent of e-scooter injuries occur to first-time riders within the first 10 minutes.

The specially designed scooter also has a wider base and front suspension to make it more reliable and stable.

Due to regulations and the upcoming weather, the company only uses between 40 and 50 units for the winter months.

“Right now you can’t operate downtown, unfortunately, but the British Columbia government has just approved the change, and I think by January 2020 we can operate across the city. After that we will increase our fleet size to maybe 200 or 300. “

The electric scooters and semi-electric bikes will be dockless and powered by an app similar to other bike share companies in town.

Vehicles will be removed from the streets at 9:00 p.m., rebalanced, recharged and returned in the morning.