(UPDATE: October 27th at 5:45 am): A second person at Kelowna Secondary School tested positive for COVID-19, Interior Health found.

The case has nothing to do with yesterday’s announcement.

The person whose identity is confidential acquired COVID-19 from a household member, Interior Health said.

In a separate document on the KelownaNow case, the school stated that the person was on campus on October 21.

The person had no symptoms at the time, the document says, and didn’t become noticeably ill until two days later.

<who> Image credit: SD23 </who> How schools deal with COVID-19 cases.  “Src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/CommProcess_PositiveCase(1).jpg “style =” margin: 5px;  “/></p>
<p>However, the person followed all security protocols on campus, the school said, and is now self-isolating at home.</p>
<p>Interior Health is now conducting a contact trace as part of its infection treatment protocol. </p>
<p>“As always, we remind people to stay out of school if they show any symptoms,” the school added.</p>
<p><strong>(Original story: October 26th at 5:45 am)</strong>: A COVID-19 case has been confirmed at Kelowna Secondary School (KSS). </p>
<p dir=In an official press release, School District 23 stated that the person – whose role in the school was not disclosed – was self-isolating at home.

Interior Health will continue to track contacts, the publication has been added.

In a letter to parents seen by KelownaNow, the school stated that the person who tested positive was on campus October 19, 20, and 21.

<who> Photo credit: NowMedia “src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/KSS35532.jpg “style =” margin: 5px;  “/></p>
<p dir=The person showed no symptoms, the letter said.

“The safety and well-being of students, families and employees remain our top priority,” the school said.

“Central Okanagan Public Schools will continue to implement strict health and safety protocols and procedures in place so that students and staff can continue to attend school as safely as possible.”

It added, “Central Okanagan Public Schools will continue to work closely with Interior Health to determine if additional action is needed and to support ongoing communication with the KSS community.”

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