Photo: Contributed

Chad Vance

This story contains graphic details that may not be suitable for all readers.

A woman reported troubling rape allegations against a Kelowna RCMP officer in a Kelowna court on Tuesday morning, the first day of the trial.

Chad Vance, 50, was charged with sexual assault in June 2019, nearly four years after the alleged incident.

On Tuesday morning, Vance’s four-day trial began with the alleged victim commenting on how Vance allegedly raped her in the summer of 2015 while she was tanning on the deck of his Kelowna home.

Any information that could identify the woman, including how she knew Vance, is protected by a non-disclosure policy.

The woman testified that she was lying on her stomach in a bikini around 1 p.m. and was tan when Vance appeared behind her, pulled her bum down and tried to forcibly have anal sex with her.

“I said word for word, ‘Take the shit off me, what the hell are you doing, take the shit off me,’ and he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t even tell me a word back,” the woman said and reiterated that she had never consented before or during the alleged incident.

She said it “seemed like it lasted forever,” but guessed that Vance continued to hold her and tried to penetrate her anus for about 10 minutes. She said he “tried with all his might.”

She said she kept shouting to hold on to the whole incident, but he didn’t say a single word.

“There was no lubrication, there was nothing for you to imagine the pain,” she testified.

Finally she said Vance had got off her and stood up and stared at her.

“[He had] His hands on his waist and he looked pissed off immediately, ”she said. “I don’t swear very much, but it was very traumatic and I said ‘this damn pain’ and he said ‘you can’t tell me this pain.’ I will never forget that. “

Then she gathered her things and left Vance’s house. She said she “sobbed all the way home.”

The alleged rape caused her to bleed rectally and later attended a health unit in her hometown.

She couldn’t remember the exact date the alleged rape took place, but the Crown claims the sexual assault took place between July 1 and August 6, 2015.

The process is expected to continue for the rest of the week.

Vance, a murder investigator with the Kelowna RCMP, is currently on police suspension. A RCMP conduct review hearing is scheduled for April to see if Vance will continue to work as a police officer.