Photo: Contributed

Dr. Guessy Wang is no stranger to the final phase as she has already earned a Bachelor of Science and a Doctor of Dental Surgery.

Wang will add a third degree to her name and her graduation from Okanagan College with a Bachelor of Business Administration will set barriers in Canada’s northern populations.

Wang came to Canada from China as an international student. She attended the University of British Columbia, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree. She studied at the Western University Schulich School of Dentistry with the dream of one day owning her own dental clinic. When this opportunity arose in 2018, she quickly realized that she needed business knowledge to be able to support the clinic’s operations.

“I came to college looking for the know-how for my business, but I found so much more here,” said Wang.

“At first I was looking for a few accounting classes, but the business program at OC was so good and the education was unmatched that I continued taking classes long after my original goal – and before I knew it, four years – Das My studies were over and I was preparing for my degree, majoring in accounting. “

Wang currently works at North Peace Dental in Fort St. John, BC. Passionate about public health, she participates in a traveling dentist program where she works for several weeks in various Inuit communities in Nunavut.

“Last year, I arrived in Nunavut on March 12th, unknowingly just four days before the pandemic was declared in Canada,” said Wang. “I knew that when I get home this community might not get another dentist for emergency surgery for months, maybe longer, so I decided to stay and I’m glad I did.”

She eventually stayed in Nunavut for four months before the area was reopened for regular dental service. At this point, Wang turned her attention to how she could make a greater impact in remote communities in northern Canada.

Wang is one of the first Okanagan College graduates to graduate from Harvard University.

“I’ve been to many, many schools, but Okanagan College is just one of the best experiences I’ve had,” says Wang.

“Even though I studied distance learning, I was able to make amazing connections with my professors. In fact, I had such a good relationship with my only professor, Robert Wright, that I asked him if he would write a letter of recommendation for my Harvard application, and he happily did. He was so excited when I told him I was accepted. “