No more idling: City seeks to curb vehicle greenhouse gas emissions in Kelowna

If a proposed anti-idling bylaw gets approved by city council, you could face a $150 fine for letting your vehicle run in your driveway.

A staff report going before council Monday (Apr. 25) recommends a one-minute idling control bylaw. Enforcement would apply to vehicles parked in driveways, parking lots, drop-off or pickup zones, drive-thrus, and on the street. Exceptions include emergency vehicles engaged in operational activities, armored vehicles transporting money or valuables, vehicles forced to stand still due to traffic or an emergency, and transit vehicles loading or unloading passengers.

But the report notes many BC municipalities regard a bylaw, together with signage and public information, as a necessary and sufficient deterrent, and do not regard active enforcement as necessary or desirable. Based on data from other municipalities it’s estimated that approximately nine complaints per year may be attended by an enforcement officer.

If Kelowna’s bylaw was eventually adopted enforcement would be complaint-based, and there would be a six-month public awareness campaign prior to the bylaw coming into effect. The regulation would not apply to zero emissions and partial emissions vehicles and those with start-stop technology. The proposed timeline for the bylaw would have the awareness campaign start in summer/fall 2022, and enforcement start in winter 2022/spring 2023.

According to the report, 53 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in Kelowna come from transportation. Public consultation done by the city found 60 per cent of residents agree with anti-idling regulations and 78 per cent agree steps should be taken to change idling behaviours.

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BylawsCity CouncilCity of KelownaGreenhouse Gas EmissionsKelowna