Madison Erhardt

The city of Kelowna was one of many churches in Canada and the United States that today proclaimed Giving Tuesday.

After Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, the day is set to celebrate the start of the fundraising and charity season.

Giving Tuesday originally started in the United States but has moved north in recent years.

“At a time when so many of us are facing unprecedented challenges and our needs are great, we are also experiencing unprecedented generosity. We have suffered fires, extreme heat and floods while navigating a global pandemic. Even so, people have responded generously and kindly, ”said Richelle Leckey of the Okanagan Boys and Girls Club.

A number of charities across the Okanagan celebrate the day.

Early Tuesday morning, the BC SPCA Kelowna branch hosted a drive-in fundraiser from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Donations support endangered animals in the community.

The Okanagan Boys and Girls Clubs have launched their Gift of Giving campaign, which will run until the end of December.

“This is our fundraising drive to empower our children, teens and families to discover dreams and grow so they can become happy, healthy adults in our community,” added Leckey.

“Then, with the support of generous donors, we can offer the amazing programs and services that will help them learn things about physical and mental health and leadership skills,” she added.

Kelowna Chevrolet and the Kelowna Kinsmen presented generous checks to OBGC. Kelowna Chevrolet donated $ 15,000 and Kinsman presented a check for $ 7,000.

Bridge Youth & Family Services have started the second phase of their campaign for the Okanagan Youth Recovery House. The proposed building will be a home away from home where youth can focus on self-improvement by building connections.

The Central Okanagan Hospice Association will raise funds for local families over the holiday season.
COACH (Central Okanagan Association for Cardiac Health) raises funds so that patients who cannot afford cardiac rehabilitation can participate. All donations are matched by Bylands Nursery up to $ 5,000.

#NoHungryKids – Even before COVID, every second child in Guatemala suffered from malnutrition. On Giving Tuesday, we’re inviting you to give away 18 nutritious meals for just $ 10. Or a $ 40 food basket. Your donation will provide meals to hungry children in Guatemala.

The New Vintage Theater is raising funds for our educational programs so that students across the Okanagan can enjoy the arts of the theater. Currently, our matinees and community education programs are offered for free or at low cost. This funding enables them to continue and expand this important program, which is accessible to all children and young people.

Seniors Outreach and Kelowna Gospel Mission have matching donors today.

Kelowna-based Studio9 will use the Giving Tuesday platform to thank our donors who helped set up the Studio9 Creative Hub for public and school use.

More information is available at