Photo: Contributed

Traffic issues related to a proposed new Costco location on Baron and Leckie Streets are likely to preoccupy councilors when a rededication motion comes to a public hearing next month.

The council gave its first approval on Monday afternoon, but some at the table raised concerns about traffic.

“I have significant traffic potential concerns,” said Coun. Charlie Hodge. “I look forward to hearing what will happen in the public process.”

Coun. Loyal Wooldridge shared the same concerns, wondering if the big retailer was the right land use for 30 to 40 years, admitting that it might be temporary, depending on how the retail climate changes.

Planning manager Ryan Smith pointed out that having a large, mostly housing estate on the property might not be much better in terms of traffic conditions, especially during morning and afternoon peak hours.

“When you start talking about residential real estate on this website, it has its own traffic challenges as people go to work between 7:30 and 9 am and come back between 3:30 and 5:30 am,” Smith said .

“So you end up with very high peaks that coincide with peaks in this area.”

Smith stated that intersections around the proposed location, which is near the superstore and Dilworth shopping center, will reach capacity.

If approved, Costco would have allocated $ 2.5 million to improve intersections in the region.

Despite these improvements, Coun. Brad Seven wondered if the intersections would work.

The large, undeveloped property is currently divided into the A1 agricultural zone. However, Smith stressed that it is not on the farmland reservation as was rumored.

“The property is located in our midtown city center and was intended for medium- and high-density residential development,” he said.

Smith says when the application was first received by the planning department, employees were investigating whether it would jeopardize residential goals within the city center.

“The staff would suggest no for two reasons. First, the staff are currently making numerous inquiries about other properties in the area for larger-scale mixed-use development.

“We believe we will achieve these goals either way.”

He says while the OCP is projecting about 1,100 new units in the Midtown metropolitan area, it could be closer to 2,000.

It’s just not clear. he says what the time will be for it.

“In terms of our urban center hierarchy, it is probably the furthest from becoming a true urban center. This is another reason we considered this location,” said Smith.

If the Council ultimately gives Costco permission, there is no clear indication of what would happen to the current location that Costco owns.

According to Smith, in the traffic study, the current business on Highways 97 and 33 was shown as big box retail with less traffic.

Something like a home depot, he said.

The public will have the opportunity to give their feedback at the public hearing on the rededication, which is due to take place on December 8th at 4 p.m.