Marion Bremner named Kelowna business leader of the year – Kelowna News

Business leaders of the year

Photo: Contributed

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has named its business leader of the year for 2021.

Marion Bremner has had a long and distinguished career both in business, and in community involvement, from charitable and community initiatives to political involvement. Bremner is currently the Manager of Meals on Wheels Kelowna.

“The Chamber is absolutely delighted at the choice of Marion as our 2021 Business Leader of the Year,” said Pamela Pearson, incoming President of the Chamber.

“Her selection by our independent judging committee was unanimous, and what a stellar choice it is: I am honored to announce her award during International Women’s Week 2022. The timing is serendipitous as the Awards gala was delayed from its late November 2021 date due to public health order restrictions.”

Pearson continued, “We are so pleased that a former Chamber president – and the first woman to fill that position – is being honored and recognized. Reading through Marion’s accomplishments really puts into perspective how much impact a single individual can have on a community.”

Marion has lived in Kelowna since being transferred here by the Royal Bank in 1974. She has a son in Vernon who is a photographer specializing in Real Estate Photography and a daughter who graduated from Okanagan College with distinction and works in Kelowna for Telus.

The Chamber’s Business Excellence Awards gala is now scheduled for Wednesday March 30 in Kelowna at the Delta Hotel by Marriott Grand Okanagan Resort. It will feature not only recognition of three finalists and winners in each of 15 categories, but culminates with recognition of Marion Bremner and her acceptance speech to the audience.