Madison Erhardt

A scooter patrol initiative has been launched in Kelowna to clear the sidewalks of scooter clutter.

Lime announced on Sunday that members of the Lime response team are regularly patrolling e-scooters in high-traffic areas around Kelowna to correct improperly parked vehicles and position them upright and in the appropriate location on sidewalks.

Patrols will focus on business districts, with particular emphasis along the waterfront and downtown.

“We strive to be an adaptable and respectful transportation partner in Kelowna and are currently focused on improving the shared scooter experience for drivers and non-drivers alike,” said Jen Freiman, general manager, Lime Canada.

“We are now introducing Lime Patrol as an additional tool to encourage safe and polite driving and parking behavior. This is in addition to working with the city to reduce speed on first rides, increase enforcement, tackle driving disruptions, conduct personal safety training and anything else we do to improve Kelowna’s shared scooter program, “added Freiman added.

The move comes as Kelowna City Council is reviewing the pilot program launched six weeks ago that has allowed the shared scooters across the city. Since its inception, complaints have come from the disabled community as the scooters sometimes block the sidewalks of drivers.

The head of orthopedic surgery at KGH, Dr. Steven Krywulak also called the e-scooters “breaking machines” in an interview with Castanet, with Interior Health noting an anecdotal increase in injuries.

Lime says patrol members will also keep an eye out for people walking on sidewalks, recording users doing so, and fines of $ 25.

Similar programs have seen a significant decrease in complaints about scooter parking, including Calgary, Ottawa, Paris, Los Angeles, and Spokane, according to Lime.

“When the Lime Patrol came in, we saw an immediate improvement in adequate parking, a reduction in complaints and an improvement in customer relationships in the downtown area. In addition to monitoring the parking of the shared vehicles, Lime Patrol made the program look friendly by answering questions and informing users about responsibilities, laws and recommendations for safe use of the program, “said Colin Quinn Hurst, Active Transportation Manager, Spokane Public Works.

Kelowna is one of the few British Columbia cities participating in the provincial e-scooter pilot project.

Lime has also partnered with Brain Trust Canada for bi-weekly scooter training. Anyone who registers receives a free helmet. For further information, click here.