If you have been following our stories, you may remember Cleopatra Ruffle from one of our early articles. Cleo shared with us about being a volunteer with Lake Country Health and her journey to coming from Trinidad to the UK and then Canada, settling in the Okanagan in 1990.

“Volunteering is very important to me. It is a way for me to give back to my community. It’s motivating and rewarding to know I make a difference in someone’s lonely like. My passion has always been to help others,” Cleo told us and it is clear that her passion keeps her engaged and making a difference in so many ways.

Recently Cleo connected with us to share the opportunity to make a real difference with the Lake Country Senior Housing Society. As a Director-at-Large on the Board for LCSHS, Cleo is currently recruiting Board Members to join the society and be advocates for senior’s housing and care needs in Lake Country. The society was formed in 1998 to meet the urgent need for better, affordable housing options in Lake Country. dr Gayle Konkle was the driving force behind the project and she inspired the community and public officials to meet these needs by building the Blue Heron Villa, a care home funded in part by BC Housing, Interior Health and the District of Lake Country.

Cleo echoes the passion of the founders of the society with her drive to recruit willing and contributing people to join the board now and share their knowledge and expertise.

“We are looking for long-term Board Members with accounting experience, secretarial skills and a passion for working together on a common cause to support the Blue Heron Villa,” explains Cleo. “In return they will meet interesting people and make a big difference.”

The LCSHS meets monthly and Directors to make a difference in the community and to support staff and residents of the Blue Heron Villa.

Supporting the staff and residents during the COVID season is a highlight for Cleo for her role with the Board.

“The staff was able to function and carry out their duties knowing they had our support in these difficult times.” Says Cleo. “The residents were appreciative knowing the board was there for them. They were happy and settled in the circumstance.”

If you would like to make a difference for seniors in Lake Country, find out more about the opportunity on the VolunteerConnector, KCR Community Resource’s volunteer matching platform. You will also find other volunteer opportunities that may match your desired impact area.

As Cleo says, “Volunteers are inspiring and invaluable people in any community.” Look for your opportunity to make a difference and to be inspiring at www.kcr.ca or contact Emily at emily@kcr.ca.

Dorothee Birker is the communications and development coordinator for KCR Community Resources. If you are interested in sharing your volunteer or organizational news, please contact Dorothee at dorothee@kcr.ca.

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