Kelowna Votes 2022: Zach Sawatzky

Black Press Media is reaching out to all candidates running for Kelowna council in the 2022 municipal election, asking for their response to three specific issues about the community, as well as a fun question. Responses will be published in the order they are received.

Zach Sawatzky – Council candidate

If elected, how do you think council should manage growth and development in Kelowna?


Having a balanced and healthy growth rate is a necessity if we are going to continue and enjoy our current standards of living and quality of life. I’d like to see council revisit the permanent growth boundary set in place in the OCP, which limits our options.

In 2021, Kelowna had the second highest property rate crime in the country, what should city council do to help address street and property crime?


My wife and I were victims ourselves last year of a robbery. Whatever the solution is, it would appear to be something that we are not currently doing. For example, maybe a solution is finding a way to house and care for the homeless, in the same capacity we are now, but in a location that is not in the heart of our city and residential population. Our current setup only allows the problem to get worse within our city limits.

In your view, what is council’s responsibility in assisting those experiencing homelessness, and providing affordable housing for Kelowna residents?


City Council has the responsibility to ensure our residential zoning accommodates an ample housing supply that meets the demand we have. Currently, this is not happening. City council has no control over the financial interest rates set by central banks, nor do they have any control over the federal government printing money. Both actions directly impact the housing prices in Kelowna far greater than any city council initiative will ever do.

Who is your favorite Okanagan celebrity and why?


I don’t know of any Okanagan celebrities.

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City CouncilCity of KelownaElection 2022Municipal election