Density “disappointed”

Photo: Neustadtarchitektur

A dramatic change in the scope of a development on Coronation Avenue doesn’t go well with Kelowna’s mayor.

The project near Gordon Drive was originally designed for 16 townhouses when it was approved a year ago. Since then, according to planner Terry Barton, developers have noticed changes in the Kelowna real estate market that have led to that change.

“Essentially, it has moved from a townhouse under the earlier plan to a residential house under the new plan,” Barton told the city council on Monday.

Mayor Colin Basran, while grateful for the development, says that the city’s housing needs assessment indicates a need for different types of housing that the original plan envisaged.

He said there was a need for a mix of “missing medium” homes across the city.

“For me at least, I really liked the shape of the townhouse. I thought this was a good place for townhouses,” Basran said.

“I was really excited to see the 16 townhouses and now up to four and additional condos. I think we need a mix of living space, and it’s just a little bit disappointing to see.”

Basran said he looks forward to hearing the applicant’s reasons for the change.

The new proposal would involve building a four-and-a-half story apartment with 36 units, including four townhouses on the ground floor and 32 condominiums above.

The proposal is now being publicly negotiated.