Sun City Silver and Gold Exchange on Bernard Avenue, April 22, 2021.


April 23, 2021 – 12:00 p.m.

A Kelowna business owner does not allow customers to wear masks or allow those who have received COVID-19 vaccination into his business.

The sign on the door of the Sun City Silver and Gold Exchange on Bernard Avenue and Gordon Drive in Kelowna reads, “Face masks are not permitted in this private location. Please lower your face diaper or go elsewhere! “The sign also named the provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, a “sucker”. An additional sign said that Sun City will not allow people in the store who have ingested the “experimental vaccines” and called them a “poisonous potion.”

Dr. Interior Health’s chief medical health officer, Albert de Villiers, told a press conference on April 22nd yesterday that he was unaware of the details of the deal.

Interior Health announced in an email that it is being checked in.

Lance Kayfish, risk manager for the City of Kelowna, said Sun City does not have a business license and has been fined for operating it.

“It is definitely something that we will continue to pursue and more enforcement will take place,” he said.

Kayfish couldn’t talk about how many fines the owner received, but said the owner, Steve Merrill, is appealing the current fines and the city plans to impose additional fines in the meantime.

Sun City Silver and Gold Exchange Sign Against COVID-19 Vaccination and Mask Use.

Sun City Silver and Gold Exchange Sign Against COVID-19 Vaccination and Mask Use.


Merrill told another reason he banned the use of masks in his business was because thieves use them to hide their identities.

“Masks are very distracting, you can’t tell what someone is saying, what they are doing with a mask and what we are doing here is consulting people on a financial level and not being able to sense what someone is feeling or saying … is a disadvantage “Merrill said, adding that he is not wearing a mask anywhere.

He is concerned about the “virus shedding” from the COVID-19 vaccine, a popular conspiracy theory.

While it is still difficult to say whether or not there will be long-term side effects from the vaccines, the medical and scientific community is confident that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines will be safe over the long term, according to Immunize BC

“Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. mRNA vaccines have previously been screened for flu, Zika, rabies and cytomegalovirus. In addition, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system against certain cancer cells. Decades of research on mRNA have shown no long-term side effects, ”according to the US Center for Disease Control.

Last year, Merrill was found guilty of failing to file income tax returns for years after using what the judge called “total nonsense” in court.

READ MORE: Judge Says Kelowna Business Owner’s reason for not filing taxes is “total nonsense” and finds him guilty

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