Kelowna realtor suspended by employer after calling Albertans ‘cry babies’

Century 21 has suspended a Kelowna real estate agent over comments he published on Facebook about Alberta.

Screenshots of Ben Houghton’s now-vanished Facebook page are still circulating. One shows a comment from Houghton stating, “Alberta such cry babies … don’t worry Alberta your greed will soon be back in full swing.”

Albertan Ryan Bayrack, responded to Houghton, saying, “I will make sure none of our province buy houses in the Okanagan from you.”

Also, Century 21 Assurance Ltd posted on its Facebook page, announcing Houghton’s suspension from the firm.

“Yesterday, Ben Houghton, a realtor with our firm made negative comments about Albertans. We wholeheartedly disagree with the remarks made about our fellow Canadians. We are strong supporters of our many friends, clients and family members from Alberta.

“Alberta has been an economic engine for our country. We sympathize with Albertans about the current economic climate and appreciate their perspective. Our brokerage has suspended Mr Houghton and he is no longer a registered realtor with our firm.”

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However, Century 21’s Facebook page appears to also be deleted or currently unavailable.

Bayrack again took to Facebook after the announcement to thank Century 21 for dealing with the situation.

“Century 21 has done the right thing a fired Ben Houghton on behalf of all Albertans,” he said.

“They handled the whole situation very professionally and with no hesitation. Please make sure that they get the credit they deserve through this rough situation.

“Thank you once again everyone and thank you Century 21 for showing support for your neighbors who are hurting really bad right now.”

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