Kelowna RCMP member receives prestigious award

A member of the Kelowna RCMP has received a prestigious award.

Last Friday (Dec. 2), David Jones, a supervisor of the Kelowna RCMP’s Detachment Cellblock, was awarded with the Commissionaires Distinguished Service Medal for his dedicated service.

Despite the medal being around since 1989, fewer than 30 people have been given the award.

“David is an incredible member of our team,” said Superintendent Kara Triance. “The medal is more than deserving as each and every day David goes above and beyond. The work that David and his team do within the Kelowna Regional Detachment is extremely important and I’m very happy that he has been recognized with this national honor.”

The medal is a national recognition, and was given to Jones by Chris Mitchell, the Commissionaire BC CEO. Mitchell flew up to Kelowna for the day to give Jones the award in-person. He was also the one to nominate Jones based on his service and a recommendation by the Commissionaires BC honors committee.

“I was immensely proud of the formal recognition David received on Friday,” said Police Services Branch Manager Torry White. “I’m glad that his CEO was on the ground to witness David’s hard work, professionalism and expertise. His noted work, and the work of all Commissionaires, is vital to ensuring our police services objectives can be accomplished as part of a collective Regional Kelowna Detachment Team.”

Jones has been with the Kelowna RCMP since 2011.

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