Cycle route feedback wanted

Photo: City of Kelowna

With more than 250,000 pedestrians and cyclists in Kelowna’s Abbott Street Corridor, the city is considering using “quick-build” infrastructure to extend the popular route between Rose Avenue and Boyce-Gyro Beach Park.

“Rapid Build strategies combine temporary materials on existing road surfaces with limited new build to deliver projects sooner and at a lower cost than originally projected in our 10-year capital plan,” said Chad Williams, chief transportation engineer. “The Abbott ATC expansion will connect downtown and Pandosy, providing better access to parks, beaches, and amenities along the way.”

The community is now collecting feedback on the idea online. Details about the project can be found here.

The proposed improvements include a two-way protected cycle path with a multi-purpose path in sections with limited space. The results of the pilot project will be used to shape future improvements along Abbott Street as well as other projects across the city.

The city says Abbott Street is one of the busiest cycling and walking routes in Kelowna, and in 2020 usage increased more than 50 percent year over year.

Construction is expected to start in 2022, subject to budget approval. An online feedback survey is open from May 19 to June 6, 2021.