Kennel club robbed

Cindy White

For the Kelowna Kennel Club, the show may not go on.

Her trailer, which contains all of the gear for the Kennel Club’s annual dog show, was stolen outside Show Superintendent Mike Williamson’s shop in West Kelowna early Wednesday morning.

“We checked some security footage from neighboring companies and found that a truck picked it up and drove it away,” said Williamson.

The trailer was parked in a parking lot next to Jazz’s Grooming and Training Center at 2109 Louie Drive.

Everything that belonged to the Kelowna Kennel Club was in the trailer. Williamson said it included some pieces that he made himself.

Williamson says it will be difficult to host the Kennel Club show next year, which usually takes place on the long May weekend, unless their gear is found or somehow replaced.

“It’s daunting to a lot of people,” he said. “You wouldn’t be very happy with what’s going on. At some point we would have to pick it up and try to put something back on, but at the moment the club has absolutely no equipment. “

If you find the missing trailer or one of the stolen items for sale, contact RCMP or the Kelowna Kennel Club.