If you need to fill up your vehicle with gasoline, you’d better do it quickly, as Kelowna has already been hit by petrol shortages and gas stations have closed.

Several gas stations in Kelowna ran dry as the devastating fire at Fort McMurray affected production at refineries in Alberta. According to Dan McTeague, Senior Petroleum Analyst at GasBuddy.com, the problem stems from problems at the Suncor refinery in Edmonton.

<who> Photo credit: KelownaNow.com “src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/IMG_2738.jpg “style =” margin: 5px;  “/></p>
<p>“The refinery is in trouble and cannot produce enough fuel for its stations in the west,” McTeague told KelownaNow.  “They told stations and wholesalers that they are now being allocated, which means they are rationed.”</p>
<p>McTeague says that is why many stations run out or may run out with no supplies.  He also clarifies that there is some misinformation about the delivery of gasoline to Kelowna.</p>
<p>Kelowna gets its gasoline from Kamloops, where it is delivered via the TransMountain pipeline via Edmonton.  The first gas stations to be hit by the Kelowna shortage are Petro-Canada gas stations, others are expected to be affected soon.</p>
<p style=<who> Photo credit: KelownaNow.com “src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/IMG_2745.JPG “style =” margin: 5px;  “/></p>
<p>McTeague adds that Suncor supplies the lion’s share of gasoline and diesel to the Okanagan region.  Gas prices are rising due to scarce supply and growing demand.</p>
<p>The prices in Kelowna have risen by 10 cents per liter at many stations and are around 123.9 cents per liter.  Many gas stations still sell gasoline for 114.9 cents a liter, but those prices are expected to rise by the end of the day on Friday.</p>
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