When I find out that talent is being recognized, it’s up to me to let you know. As a fan of the Mission Dance Company and the endless hours that artistic director and school principal Tanya Bakala invests year after year, it’s no wonder that the results shine as brightly as the stars they deserve.

One particular dancer who has been on my radar for at least three years was a boy when I first realized his talent. Now this young man, Kolbie Edwards, has received a scholarship from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and has trained with them for the past year. He returned to Kelowna on his summer break to teach at the MDC and will soon be back in WARC training honing his great talent.

Well done homeboy – Kelowna is proud of you. We look forward to seeing you soon.


For those of us who “love a dance” (said with an English accent), it’s your last chance to get your public groove going tomorrow at Stuart Park on Water Street. It’s the last dance of the season for this Wednesday night, Dancing in the Park.

We’ve been grooving at this weekly boogie all summer long. It is an opportunity for families, couples and singles of all dance levels to let off steam and become free. A qualified teacher will help you unleash your inner Baryshnikov or Travolta.

It runs from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bring your own refreshments to stay hydrated.


Listen yeah listen yeah I am now calling on my musical readers who love to sing.

The Okanagan Symphony Orchestra is forming its choir again and cordially invites you to participate.

This year it wants at least 100 voices in the singing group. It will be the biggest OSO choir of all time.

Rehearsals begin on September 3rd. To find out more about tee times and location, as well as to register, send an email to carco@shaw.ca.

Enjoy the adventure of the song.


For those who love to dance and sing but prefer to listen to someone reciting thoughts, tomorrow night is the season finale of The Woodshed Readings at the Woodhaven Eco Culture Center.

Poems are read by Okanagan writers Kelly Shepherd, Michael V. Smith, Laisha Rosnau, and Matt Rader.

A musical guest will also be announced.

The center is surrounded by 3.5 acres of nature along Bellevue Creek. The perfect setup for a night like this.

Participation is free. To see a map of the location, find it on Facebook or Google 4711 Raymer Road.


I enjoy getting emails from people. Comment on something I’ve written about or find out what’s happening in the arts and culinary scene in Kelowna.

A special gentleman who seems to achieve a lot for me on the classical side of music is Anthony Lau.

He always starts his letters with “Hello Music Lover”. I warm to it as I start my monthly jazz newsletters with the same salutation.

Well, I now find out that Lau put out a CD himself. He plays classical music on the harmonica. I found listening to the music very pleasant and calming, and I put my mood in a bag.

If you want to feel like this, try some excerpts from Mr. Harmonica’s pocket piano by Lau at cdbaby.com/anthonylau2. The cost is $ 15.

The pieces range from Boccherini to Hayden, Offenbach, Mozart and Puccini, to name a few.

It’s a lovely reminder that music can be enjoyed on any instrument, as long as it is played well and from the heart.


I close on a culinary note. Chef Stuart Klassen, who recently left the Delta Grand as Head Chef, has been working on a private side project with award-winning Indian restaurant owner Serge Dosanj from Poppadoms.

Dosanj will be opening a restaurant in the Kettle Valley tonight. The restaurant is KV Plates and offers fresh local dishes from bisonburgers to buttered chicken. Since they are British too, they serve cod and chips with mushy peas and tartar sauce. Salivation!

Great home cooking and a kids menu.

A patio, bar and dining area are ready to welcome you. This is definitely a getaway destination as well as a local place.

Visit the website for information and online menu at kvplates.com

– Anna Jacyszyn’s column runs every Tuesday in eVent. Send her an email at artafactevent@gmail.com.