No demolition measures yet

Photo: City of Kelowna

The city officials say they are giving Janusz Grelecki plenty of space to complete the renovation work on his property ordered by the city council.

At its last meeting on August 23, the council upheld a recommendation that Grelecki demolish his home at 424 Gibson Road and redevelop the property.

The order comes after the city declares that it has been trying for more than a decade to get Grelecki to clean up the property and make the house habitable.

The renovation order comprises several steps and test points that must be fulfilled.

However, preliminary charter manager Ken Hunter confirmed the first of these steps, a request for a demolition permit within 14 days of the order was not granted.

Hunter said Castanet charter officials would give Mr. Grelecki plenty of time to complete the task at hand, noting that it was a daunting task given the amount of work ahead of them.

He says the all-important deadline is 60 days before the renovation of the house and makeshift structures, including construction rubble and hazardous materials, is to be completed.

Hunter says the bylaws will likely be checking into the property in the next few weeks.

Grelecki has six months to fully refurbish the property or the city will do the job and bill him for the work.