Photo: Nicole Hemeon Photography

The Mount Law wildfire burns near Highway 97C Thursday morning.

UPDATE: 2 p.m.

All that remains is one property that was evacuated due to the forest fire at Mount Law near Glenrosa after the evacuation order was downgraded to an alert for one of the properties on Saturday afternoon.

The property at 4713 MacKinnon Road has been removed from evacuation orders, only 3250 Highway 97 will be evacuated due to the fire.

“As a result of the ongoing fire-fighting measures and the favorable weather, which also included yesterday’s rain, the conditions for the forest fire in Mount Law are improving,” said an update from Central Okanagan Emergency Operations on Saturday.

“Returning residents are reminded that they can encounter various dangers on private property as a result of the forest fire. Crews are continuing to fight the fire in the area and residents should avoid emergency vehicles and emergency services.”

The fire remains classified as “out of control”.

ORIGINAL: 11:30 a.m.

Firefighters are reminding the public to stay out of the Mount Law wildfire area after hikers and others were recently sighted within the boundaries of the restricted area.

The fire that burns near the Glenrosa area in West Kelowna is now estimated at 976 acres, and although fire behavior has largely slowed down over the past week, it continues to burn out of control.

On Saturday, West Kelowna Fire Chief Jason Brolund reminded people to stay out of the exclusion zone so crews can work safely.

“The crews on site have noticed that some members of the public continue to enter the forest fire area for recreational purposes such as hiking and using ATVs,” Brolund said.

“For the safety of the public and the fire brigade, we would like to remind the community that there is an order to restrict the area and that they should not enter the fire area for recreational purposes.”

A map of the restricted area can be found below, but the restriction does not apply to private / residential property.

Additional forest fire crews from Mexico arrived at the Mount Law fire on Friday, and skimmers plan to do practice water drops over the fire on Saturday afternoon.

“Work on the extinguishing of the point fire on the east side of Drought Creek and will also continue at the hotspots identified in the thermal image scan,” said the BC Wildfire Service in a Saturday update.

“The crew mopping up continues throughout the fire area and direct crew attack is concentrated on the east side of the fire.”

The increased skimmer activity on Saturday is primarily for training purposes, according to Central Okanagan Emergency Operations.

“With the additional crew and skimmer planes visible to the public, please note that this increased activity is not the result of increased fire activity,” Central Okanagan Emergency Operations said in a press release.

Boaters in the area were asked to stay away from the planes all day.

Two properties on 3250 Highway 97 and 4713 MacKinnon Road remain evacuated due to the fire.

Photo: BC Wildfire Service

Area restriction due to the Mount Law forest fire.