Dream Christmas gift: Kelowna resident wins Lake Life Lottery grand prize home

A new lifestyle lottery that benefits Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) and the YMCA has its grand prize winner.

Anokha Babu, of Kelowna, has won a Lake Country dream home worth $1.75 million.

“This is an incredible blessing for our entire family,” said Babu, who lives and works out of a two-bedroom apartment with her husband and two young children.

On December 14, the day before the Lake Life Lottery grand prize draw, the Babu family learned they were unsuccessful in an offer on a home they had hoped for. “We’ve struck out finding a house within our budget so many times over the last year that my son has been praying for a place to call our own every night.”

The next day, the call came that his prayers had not gone unheard. “After learning we won, my son was the first person I told,” says Babu. “I said, ‘Your prayers were strong!'”

The Lake Life Lottery launched in August and gave BC residents a chance to win more the $2 million in prizes.

READ MORE: Lake Life Lottery launches in support of Kelowna General Hospital and YMCA

Todd Karai, of Kelowna, won a Hawaiian vacation, while Kirk Gardner, of Penticton, won a holiday in France.

The 50/50 draw ($258,950) was banked by Nicolas Bathan, of Abbotsford.

KGH health-care worker Allen Davenport won the early bird prize (Nov. 15) which included a 2022 Ford Mustang EcoBoost and a Los Angeles or Phoenix getaway.

“We would also like to thank residents from every corner of our province who purchased tickets to Lake Life Lottery,” said Allison Ramchuk, CEO of Kelowna General Hospital Foundation. “We are moved by your support for this valuable cause.”

The full list of winners can be found here.

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Kelowna Lake Country Lottery