Downtown Kelowna Association seeking board members – Kelowna News

DKA needs board members

Photo: Colin Dacre

Downtown Kelowna Association is seeking those who are interested in joining its board of directors.

The business-based organization needs nominations for two-year term positions. Those who are eligible include property owners or tenants of class 5 light industry or class 6 business properties within the Downtown Kelowna business improvement area boundary. Authorized employees are also eligible to sit on the board.

The board meets monthly from 5 to 7 pm The DKA assists local property owners and business people to promote their businesses, and further trade and commerce in the downtown area.

Nomination forms can be picked up from the DKA office, which is located at 200-287 Bernard Ave., emailed upon request or downloaded from the DKA website.

Nominations must be submitted by 4 pm on Friday, April 1.