Downtown business suffers break-in – Kelowna News

Photo: Oh Baby!

A small Kelowna business has been broken into.

The owner of Oh Baby! Consignment and Co. on Ellis Street, Brielle Fahlgren, Castanet tells her security system started going off at 7:15 am Tuesday morning, alerting her that her downtown business was being broken into.

According to Fahlgren, Kelowna’s downtown on-call team was quick to respond to the scene, but unfortunately, were not quite quick enough. The suspect managed to get away with a pocket full of cash, clothing and some electronics.

This is the second time in just a few months her small business has been targeted.

The first time, her front door was smashed, but nobody gained entry.

This time, the front door was broken open and the back door alarm was also triggered.

“We replaced it with shatter-proof glass and they still got in,” Fahlgren told Castanet.

“But what’s most aggravating is the amount of time [it takes] to clean the glass in the shop and the inventory that is ruined.”

Despite the break in, the store remains open for business but says they will no longer be keeping a cash float in store.