The owners of a downtown Kelowna pub marking its 20th anniversary this month hope to nearly double its capacity and add movies to the menu.

An expansion of Doc Willoughby’s premises on Bernard Avenue and diversification of its amenities is seen as an antidote to the challenges of doing business during the ongoing pandemic.

“The Nixon family assumed operations of Doc’s during the pandemic and have been struggling through numerous and repeated operational restrictions imposed by the provincial health officer,” Anita Moore-Nikoras, a legal assistant representing the business, writes in a letter to the City of Kelowna .

“This has forced them to re-think their style of operation and come up with some creative ideas to remain as a feasible business in an ever-evolving and challenged hospitality industry,” Moore-Nikoras says.

Expansion and renovation plans now being considered by city staff show an increase in Doc Willoughby’s capacity from 178 to 333 patrons through the addition of a new upstairs area. The Nixon family says the expansion area would be open during general business hours and also be reservable for special events.

“They are planning to run the upstairs as a multi-function area, presenting live entertainment and film viewings in a setting unlike many others,” Moore-Nikoras says: “They also intend to schedule comedy nights, and offer this unique space to those interested in planning a private personal or corporate event.”

It’s possible the pub will get a new name, though this hasn’t been decided yet, she says.

Doc Willoughby’s opened in February 2002. Previous owner Dave Willoughby gained some media attention in the run-up to the 2020 provincial election by adding a note on all customers receipts that said, ‘Oct 24 Vote that f*cker out!!’ and ‘Let’s save our industry!’

Willoughby told reporters the message was intended to his frustration both with NDP Premier John Horgan calling a convey election a year ahead of schedule, and with public health orders that then required pubs to stop serving alcohol at 10 pm

Although the city is being asked for its view on the pub’s expansion proposal, the final decision rests with provincial liquor officials.

Doc Willoughby’s is currently closed with no re-opening date provided on its telephone message or its social media pages.