Three neighboring properties on a street in downtown Kelowna could be replaced with a four-story condominium with 36 suites.

At a public hearing on Tuesday, the city council will consider approving the Coronation Ave. Reorder 1028, 1036, and 1044 to support higher density development.

City planners recommend approval, saying the project is in line with the official community plan’s goal of increasing the number of people in and around downtown Kelowna.

“The proximity to the city center offers amenities nearby, including parks, restaurants, shops and leisure opportunities in the immediate vicinity,” the planners write in a report to the city council.

Last year the city council approved plans for a 16-unit townhouse project on the same three properties on Coronation Avenue. Two are currently vacant and one has a home that dates back to the mid-1940s.

The landowner “has seen changes in the Kelowna real estate market,” said the employee report, and plans to build 36 instead of 16 houses on the property.

The three properties, located mid-block between Graham Street and Gordon Drive, are each valued at approximately $ 715,000 and are all in the country.