Recovery grants available

Rob Gibson | History: 332897

Photo: United Way

United Way and local partners are calling for applicants for the Sustainable Recovery Grants 2021.

These grants will provide entrepreneurial coaching to charities to help them build sustainability and resilience in four key areas: Revenue, Operations, People, and Impact.

The pandemic underscores the valuable services charities provide in our communities, with 45 percent of charities reporting an increase in demand for their services, with many seeing demand growing faster than their capacity.

“The work supported by the Sustainable Recovery Grants has proven effective in building the capacity and resilience of participating charities during these challenging times. We are excited to work with Purppl and our other SRG donors to empower charities to strengthen their ability to serve the community during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, ”said Kahir Lalji, Executive Director, United Way SIBC.

Successful applicants receive one-time grants for individual coaching and support through the Purppl Resilience & Recovery Program. Purppl helps charitable organizations build financial resilience, improve impact, and develop leadership skills.

Eligible charities are asked to submit a short application form for the Sustainable Recovery Grant through the United Way SIBC website. The application deadline is Monday, June 7th, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. PST. Successful applicants will be notified on June 30th, 2021.