A house in Kelowna was broken into Friday morning and $ 12,000 in cash was stolen from a safe. And a surveillance camera took pictures of thieves.

Shortly after 9 a.m., a black Mercedes-Benz SUV pulled up outside a house in the Kirschner Mountains, and after it was determined that no one was home, a man from the SUV broke through the front door of the house.

“It’s a street you wouldn’t expect people to drive up and down unless you lived on the street,” said homeowner TJ, who has lived in the house for about five years.

TJ believes the thief broke the front door with his shoulder when the door jamb was neatly broken off.

Over a period of about 15 minutes, the man “somehow” cracked TJ’s safe and paid for himself with $ 12,000 in cash, a few hard drives and a few cameras.

“It almost looks like it’s purposeful, all the lines are pointing out,” TJ said. “But I have a pretty good group of friends, I just don’t get it.”

TJ, who owns his own drywall company, returned from a job near his home just before 1 p.m. Friday and found that he had been robbed.

In addition to the money and expensive technology that were stolen, the stolen hard drives contained around 24,000 photos from his life, according to TJ.

“But I don’t care about any of that, we just have to find this guy and put him in jail,” he said.

Surveillance footage from the front of TJ’s house shows at least two men involved in the robbery. A piece of cardboard appears to be covering the Mercedes license plate, but TJ’s friend noticed a small dent in the right rear of the SUV.

Police are investigating the robbery, but TJ hopes people will keep an eye out for the SUV after the footage is released.