Reopening downtown Kelowna isn’t like flicking a switch.

As everywhere in the province, many shops and services in the city center have been closed or restricted for about two months due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Now that the province envisions reopening retail and hair salons “under extended protocol” in mid-May, stores in downtown Kelowna are expected to slowly reopen in the coming weeks.


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“I very much doubt any store will reopen on Tuesday,” said Mark Burley, executive director of the Downtown Kelowna Association.

“I think you will see it gradually as people adjust to the new reality. Also, it’s not that easy to get personal protective equipment these days. Even hand sanitizer is hard to come by. “

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Obtaining this hand sanitizer can be critical as the province has indicated that it should be provided at the entrance to retail stores and workplaces.

However, according to Burley, many downtown businesses feel they need more information about how to reopen.


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Some companies have confirmed that they are still not sure how to safely restart.

The owner of Cadence Shoes on Bernard Ave. said the store has not yet set a reopening date but could resume in-store sales this weekend with limited hours.

Owner Sean Mullen said he knew some business practices needed to be changed, including disinfecting shoes that were tried on and not bought.

However, he’s still unsure of how to adjust his business to keep it safe during the pandemic.

This uncertainty is a major reason why he has not yet set a specific reopening date.

“We want to make sure we are safe when we reopen,” said Mullen.

“So we’re not quite there yet, but we’re definitely working on getting there.”

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Down the street at Mosaic Books they are currently open for roadside pickup and are considering opening for limited hours next week.

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However, the bookstore is also still trying to figure out the details of resuming in-person shopping and training returning staff in new processes.

“There is nothing that is 100 percent clear,” said Alicia Neill, general manager of Mosaic.

“(What) we’re hearing is, ‘Oh, that might help, but you don’t have to.’ There it is really difficult for companies to say what the safest method is. “


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Some changes have already been worked out. The store plans to rearrange furniture and add tables in front of the checkouts to create distance between employees and customers.

They also plan for employees to put on gloves.

When companies open the big question will be whether customers will return.

Burley said it had been a long two months for downtown businesses and “a lot of people were hit very hard”.

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“I just hope people remember that in downtown Kelowna we have really wide sidewalks. The physical distancing is easy,” Burley said.

“Just come downtown and see who is opening or contact your favorite store and see what their plans are.”

While many non-essential businesses in BC, including retail, have never been forced to close as long as they can follow public health directions and advice, many choose to do so.

The provincial restart plan lists retail as one of the sectors the province plans to open in Phase 2, which begins in mid-May.

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