Construction season on the way

Rob Gibson – – | History: 325590

Photo: Google Street View

Construction on the Lakeshore Bridge over Bellevue Creek is scheduled to start in March of this year.

The improvements will improve the existing bridge, increase safety and connect the multipurpose path from the north side of the bridge to Collett Road.

“Construction is being planned to keep two lanes of traffic throughout the project,” said Todd DeGuchy, project manager for the City of Kelowna. “When completed, two lanes, a bicycle lane in each direction and a multi-purpose path will improve traffic flow and safety in the region.”

Two lanes of traffic will be maintained throughout the construction project, pedestrians will still have access to cross the upstream side of the bridge, and cyclists will have to share the road with vehicular traffic or take an alternative route.

During construction, the current bridge will be narrowed to facilitate the construction of the new multipurpose path bridge on the downstream side. Traffic will then be relocated to the new multipurpose path bridge while the existing bridge is upgraded and approach work is completed.
Construction on this $ 2.7 million project is expected to be completed in September 2021.

Speed ​​reductions in the construction zone will be made.