Agents of Discovery is an educational mobile game platform that uses augmented reality to engage teens and is centered here in Kelowna.

“Agents of Discovery is designed to help our customers connect with their learners,” said CEO Mary Clark. “There is a big trend that children no longer want to sit at desks. In a school setting, this allows teachers to post their content the Pokemon Go style of games. “

“Instead of reading a sign in parks or listening to a park attendant, they can learn their surroundings through a mobile game,” added Clark.

Educators can develop their own games on the Mission Maker online platform. The games will then be published on the Agents of Discovery app and available in the app and play stores.

“Our city is very progressive. Kelowna is all about green and trying to build the tech sector. For me this is just a natural home for this company. It’s really good what our city is about, ”said Clark.

More information about Agents of Discovery can be found here.