A new poll shows that most Canadians believe that there is still a long way to go to achieve gender equality in this country.

The survey results themselves underscore the challenge: women are far more likely than men to say that equality remains elusive in a large number of areas.

Overall, 63 percent of those surveyed by Léger and the Association for Canadian Studies said that equality between men and women had not been achieved.

However, the female respondents were far more pessimistic: 73 percent said that equality had not been achieved, compared with 53 percent of men.

Overall, a majority said that equality at home, in social settings, in the media, at work, in science and in politics was definitely or “to some extent” achieved. Only 44 percent said the same thing about exercise.

But here, too, male respondents stated with up to 20 percentage points far more often than women that equality had been achieved in these areas.

For example, 80 percent of men but only 68 percent of women said that equality was at least partially achieved at home.

The same gender gap was found when it came to questions about whether equality had been achieved in other situations: in the media (71 percent of male respondents indicated, 58 percent of women), in the media (73 percent versus 57 percent) , at work (68 percent versus 50 percent), in the natural sciences (64 percent versus 48 percent), in politics (64 percent versus 44 percent) and in sports (48 percent versus 41 percent).

Similarly, 73 percent of female respondents said that men are paid more than women for the same job. Only 49 percent of the male respondents agreed.

A majority of women (57 percent) said public organizations should introduce quotas to ensure a minimum number of women on their boards of directors. Only 34 percent of the men agreed.

The online survey of 1,532 adult Canadians was conducted February 26-28. A margin of error cannot be assigned because Internet-based surveys are not considered to be random samples.

READ MORE: Canada’s support for gender equality is not real, according to survey

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