Fifth Kelowna business flagged for possible COVID-19 exposure

Browns Socialhouse joins Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge, Discovery Bay Resort, Cactus Club restaurant on Water Street and Pace Spin Studio as possible points of transmission.

Interior Health has identified another Kelowna business where people may have been exposed to COVID-19.

Individuals who went to Browns Socialhouse at Harvey Avenue on July 13 or July 16 to July 19 may have been exposed to the virus and the health authority is now asking those individuals to monitor themselves for symptoms.

The Browns location joins four others in Kelowna in which people may have been exposed to the virus. They include Boyce Gyro Beach Lodge on July 1, the Discovery Bay Resort from July 1 to July 5, the Cactus Club restaurant on Water Street between July 3 and July 6 and the Pace Spin Studio on July 2, July 4, July 5, July 7, July 8 and July 9.

Should you exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, Interior Health advises that you get tested.

Public health contact tracing is under way and where possible, Interior Health is reaching out directly to individuals who have been exposed.

Currently, the province has 205 cases, with several of those confirmed cases linked to community exposures within the city. Roughly 1,000 people are now self-isolating across the entire province because they may have been in contact with someone who has contracted the virus.